
It has been months since I posted anything. Not much happening on my side though. I have been not so patiently waiting for Y&S to find an egg donor. So far three have not made the cut because of low follicle numbers or they didn't pass the screening. They have a fourth that they are working with right now. So far she has passed the ultrasound and seems to have good follicle numbers, now we are just waiting to see if she passes the screening. I read somewhere that only 1 out of 4 egg donors will pass all screening.

This has to be so frustrating for Y. She just wants to be able to hold her baby and there are so many hoops to jump through. I hear woman complain about their pregnancy and how ready they are for it to be over and I just want to yell "There are so many woman who would do anything to be in your shoes right now, treasure it".


Tentative Calendar

About this blog

This blog is to be a journal for my hopeful journey into surrogacy. I will try to keep it up to date as I move forward.

About Me

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I am a mother to some awesome kids, 3 of my own and one step son, a wife to one awesomely geeky husband, a daughter to two wonderful parents, a big sister, a auntie to one super cute nephew and adorable twin nieces, and a friend to those in need or who just like to talk. I am who I am, I work to better myself everyday but for the most part I am a disorganized, passionate, loving, positive, crazy, stubborn, sometimes irrational & moody woman.


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