
It again has been a while since I have update but so far it has been smooth sailing and there hasn't been much to post. Babies are healthy and growing. Last doctors ultrasound the were both measuring well over 2 pounds and they were measuring with in a ounce of each other. Sometimes there is a problem with one twin being larger then the other and if the difference is to large it can mean there are issues.

I have developed gestation diabetes which has not been fun but it isn't as bad as it could be so I will deal and move on. So far I am checking my blood sugar 4 times a day and for the most part controlling it with diet.

Yesterday seemed to really mark my third trimester beginning. Depending on what you read it starts at 27 or 28 weeks. Mine seemed to start at 29 weeks. I say this because I love my second trimester and my third trimester always comes with a new set of complaints. In my second trimester I, for the most part feel wonderful except for the small aches and pains here and there. This weekend it really hit me, insomnia, needing to pee every 5 seconds, the real discomfort of the expanding belly, and the back, leg, and foot pain that comes from carrying a baby or in this case two. I am surprised and should feel very lucky that I haven't felt it until this point.

Currently it is 7am on Sunday and I didn't go to sleep till 2am. I don't have the kids so I could have slept in till 10. Babies had other plans. So I am up, getting ready to start on a list of projects I want to accomplish.

This was written a couple weeks ago shortly after our ultrasound on Monday June 20th but I am just now getting around to posting it.

I have always known why I wanted to do this. I wanted like so many others to give the gift of a child to a couple who wasn't able to conceive on their own. Today was my first real glimpse at how wonderful the gift really was. My IPs were in town for the gender U/S. We had such a nice time hanging out on Sunday. We went to brunch at the Purple Onion, went on a tour of my dad's studio, and then toured around Asheville with Bill as our tour guide. They brought Chinese gifts for all the kids, my mom, my dad, and a close family friend who helped me learn to give myself injection and has been a constant supporter. My IM made my mother tear up three times telling her how grateful she was that she raised me and I was able to give her this gift. We had a full day of being around family and showing them where I lived.

Then the real gift came this morning. We saw fairly early on that baby A was a little boy. My IM really wanted a girl so when they brought Baby B up on the screen and they immediately showed it was a little girl there wasn't a dry eye in the room including the ultrasound tech! I am so thrilled for them! They are so over the moon right now. They got exactly what they wanted and I just couldn't be happier for them.

The only really scary news was that Baby Girl has a white spot on her heart. It usually is nothing but can be a factor of down syndrome. Luckily there are no other down syndrome indicators and the NT scan showed everything to fine a couple months ago so the doctors aren't too worried.

Here are some pictures of the ultrasound:
My favorite is a pictures of both babies. Baby B is Little Girl and she looks like she is sitting on her brothers head. You can't see it but on the ultrasound her brother is kicking his sister in the back of the head. It was the cutest thing!
Here is baby A. This is Little Boy. At the ultrasound he was currently head down! And is obviously a boy!
This is Baby Boy waving at us, either that or telling us he was done with pictures.
Profile shot, he had his face smooched in to his placenta.

Here is Baby Girl.
Really good profile shot of Baby Girl.

Here are the pictures we took after brunch.
Y, me, Bill, & S in front of the Purple Onion
Y with the kids

Y & I in downtown Asheville.

Time is flying by now that I am not sick anymore. I still get fairly tired easily but I guess that is to be expected carrying two. I am just now starting to feel them move. Especially Baby B or at least I am pretty sure it is baby B. He/She has always been the biggest wiggle worm.

Two more weeks and Y&S will be coming in to town for the gender ultrasound and to meet my family. I am really excited that they are finally going to get to see the beautiful mountains of NC and of course their beautiful babies. I am thinking it is a boy and a girl and I know that they are hoping that this will be the outcome also. Molly called Baby B a boy and Baby A a girl a long time ago so it would be really funny if it turned out like that.

16 week belly picture

I hoped I would be better about keeping this blog up to date but I have been busy moving and have not had internet. Here is my update from 4 weeks ago.

Had the NT scan at 12 weeks 2 days. Everything looked good. Two healthy little babies. Baby B's heart rate was 154, measuring 13 weeks and nuchal thickness is .9mm. Baby A's heart rate is 159, measuring 13 weeks 1 day, and nuchal thickness is 1.4mm. Baby B was being a little wiggle worm and Baby A was being the shy one.

Here are pictures:
Baby B
Baby A
The tops of both of their heads.
And here is a picture of the belly at 12 weeks.

Next week is my last appointment at PREG (Piedmont Reproductive Endocrinology Group). I am being turned over to midwives as of May 2nd. PREG is just my monitoring clinic but I have gotten close with the Nurse Practitioner, Molly and I am really going to miss my weekly visits. I will still be stopping by to give updates and eventually to show pictures of Y&S's sweet little ones.

Today I had my final ultrasound with the RE. Everything looks good. Baby A was hard to get a good picture of. Mostly we could only see the top of his/her head. Baby B was the little wiggle worm. I was able to record a video and send it to Y&S. I think she really enjoyed being able to see their little hearts beating.

Injections also got to be cut back. Tonight is my last delestrogen shot and it is only .1cc and progesterone is only .5cc. Not many more to go before I am D-O-N-E!!!

So all is good in surrogacy land!


We went for an ultrasound on Monday and we saw two beautiful heartbeats. Y&S are thrilled. I am a little nervous but excited as well. Here are some pictures.

As for me, this has been by far my hardest pregnancy and I am only 7 weeks pregnant. I am going on about 2 weeks of constant morning sickness which is no fun and I have never experienced. I am tired 24/7. I hope that the second trimester gives me a little break.

Tomorrow we have another ultrasound. Hopefully both babies will still be growing strong.

It is a little late posting this but here are my progression of pee sticks. :) I took one last one on 10dp5dt and the pregnancy line was darker then the control line.

Beta progression has also been really good. These are my HCG levels. They are suppose to double every 48-72 hours so it is looking good.
DPOBetaDoubling time from previous test
1683134.53 hrs
19274841.73 hrs

My first ultra sound is March 28th. We will get to see how many little beans have stuck and hopefully see heartbeats. I will only be 6 weeks 2 days so it may be too early to see a heart beat.

Our first beta at 7dp5dt was 121!!!!

I am thinking twins and I know Y & S are hoping for twins. We may have a better idea on Monday but won't know anything for sure until our ultrasound on March 28th.

I am prepared for twins and even had the twin vibe pre transfer but it is still a little nerve racking. There is a greater chance of bed-rest, a greater chance of c-section and then there is the fact that my best friend is getting married on October 1st and while I know I would be huge, if it is twins I will be bigger then huge. Can't wait to find out and I will be thrilled either way! We will just have to work around it all.

I just finished posting about our transfer road trip but I also wanted to go ahead and share the good news. We got our first BFP (Big Fat Positive). I was already feeling like the little embryos may have implanted so at 4dp5dt (four days past our 5 day transfer) I decided to POAS (Pee on a Stick). I peed in the morning and saw the faintest line. Couldn't even get a decent picture of it but I was pretty sure it was there. That afternoon I decided to pee again just to see and sure enough this is what we got! It is light but it is there!!! Now just hoping this little one or two decides to stick around!

Yet again I have fallen behind and now there is a lot to catch up. So I guess we will begin with the start of our road trip.

Due to high cost of plane tickets I decided I would drive. A good friend of mine, Sarah said she would go along for the adventure. Her 20 month old daughter, Jazlyn also joined us. We left on Tuesday, March 1st and headed up I-81 torwards DC. Half way up we stopped at a park in Salem to play a bit, stretch our legs, and have a picnic. This was on the play ground, we decided it was good luck and took a picture...

Here are a couple more of Jazzy enjoy the park. She was so great the whole trip!!! The last one is Jazz with her momma, Sarah.

So once we had stretch our legs we got back on the road and headed torward Washington DC to meet up with old high school friends and to meet their new 7 week old baby Mathew. We met at the mall and had dinner at Friday's. Nothing special but it was so good to see old friends. Then we went for a tour of DC at night which was beautiful of course!

The following day we headed to the zoo. It was Jazzy and Mathews first trip to the zoo. It was a lot of fun and Jazz for the most part seemed to enjoy the animals. After the zoo it was time to head to Philadelphia to meet up with Y & S. After all this entry is about my surrogacy. :)

We met Y & S for dinner at Maggiano's in Philadelphia. Mmmmmmm, Italian my favorite!!! We had an amazing dinner which included entirely too much food! Y & S got to play with Jazz who of course was adorable and so well behaved all through dinner. We ate way to much and went away with leftovers for a week. Good thing our hotel had a fridge. After dinner we still had an hour and a half to drive. We were all getting tired of being in the car. We got to our hotel room in Somerset NJ and pretty much crashed.

Thursday was transfer day!!! We woke up and had breakfast. Y & S picked me up at 11:40. I really didn't feel as nervous this time around. I basically knew what to expect. We didn't have to wait too long. By 12:30 the Valium was making me feel a little loopy.
The got me on the table and transfered two beautiful grade A embryos that were at blastocysts stage. Got to lay on the table for 30 more minutes about to pee in my pants but also got to hang out some with Y so that was nice.

Here are some pictures with Y & S after we got back from transfer. Ignore the goofy expression on my face I am still good and doped up on Valium.

After transfer I begin my 24 hours of bed rest. It was nice to have Jazz for entertainment. It made the time go by so fast. And Sarah was so helpful. She wouldn't let me do anything. I am so glad they were able to join me for this trip!

Friday it was time to head home. We left around 11. We drove for a while. This time taking our break at Dinosaur Land which by the way is awesome. See for yourself. :)

You can barely see me but I am sitting on King Kong's hand. :)

After the dinosaurs, it was again time to get back on the road. We drove until 7 that night and found a not very nice Days Inn to stay. Woke up early the next morning and headed for home. Got home around 2:00 and was so glad to see the kiddos. Once home the agonizing 2ww started.

Yet again I have fallen behind on posting. We are moving forward! I have been cycling since January 27th. So far everything has gone really smoothly. I think I have been effected by the Lupron a little more this time. I have been cranky and really tired. Good news is the injections are nothing now. The site of a needle will never faze me again.

Thursday we had an ultrasound to check my lining. It was a fluffy 11.4mm which is better then last time.

Transfer is in just over a week. Some time between the 1-3 most likely. We will hopefully know more tomorrow. Last I heard the donor was progressing slowly and she has 25 follicles so hopefully we will get a good number of eggs.

Not much else going on. Just pre-heating the oven. I have a good feeling about this time!

It looks like we may be moving forward. Things are looking good with the current egg donor. She is already a proven egg donor. Her previous donor cycle she had 25 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 10 embryos still alive on day 5. We have a tentative cycle date as long as it is okay with the egg donor. I would start Lupron January 27th. Retrieval would be the very end of February and transfer would be the very beginning of March.

I can't tell you how good it will feel to get this thing going again. I looked in my box of needles and meds to see what I had left from the last cycle and was actually excited to be looking at them again. What kind of sick person looks at a box of needles and goes YAY!!!

It has been months since I posted anything. Not much happening on my side though. I have been not so patiently waiting for Y&S to find an egg donor. So far three have not made the cut because of low follicle numbers or they didn't pass the screening. They have a fourth that they are working with right now. So far she has passed the ultrasound and seems to have good follicle numbers, now we are just waiting to see if she passes the screening. I read somewhere that only 1 out of 4 egg donors will pass all screening.

This has to be so frustrating for Y. She just wants to be able to hold her baby and there are so many hoops to jump through. I hear woman complain about their pregnancy and how ready they are for it to be over and I just want to yell "There are so many woman who would do anything to be in your shoes right now, treasure it".

Tentative Calendar

About this blog

This blog is to be a journal for my hopeful journey into surrogacy. I will try to keep it up to date as I move forward.

About Me

My photo
I am a mother to some awesome kids, 3 of my own and one step son, a wife to one awesomely geeky husband, a daughter to two wonderful parents, a big sister, a auntie to one super cute nephew and adorable twin nieces, and a friend to those in need or who just like to talk. I am who I am, I work to better myself everyday but for the most part I am a disorganized, passionate, loving, positive, crazy, stubborn, sometimes irrational & moody woman.


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