The egg retrieval was yesterday and it sounded like it was quite a day. Y can probably tell the story best since she was there and I wasn't so I am including her email to me with all the names taken out so you can see the extent of what she has gone through to get here.
Out of the 11 eggs received she got 6 embryos. This is over half which is great! Her last cycle their were 7 eggs and only one made it :(. On Thursday two to four of these little guys or girls are going to be put in my womb and hopefully at least one will stick. Please send us lots of sticky vibes! After all we have both been through we really want it to work the first time around!Emily,
Today is a long story. We arrived at 9:30, nurse went over a few papers with me. She said Dr. D and Dr. L will be in charge of my retrieval, each do one side of the ovary. Dr. D is the best doctor at the IVF clinic, Dr. L is that new doctor almost canceled our cycle.This is kind of training session for Dr. L. Of cause I don't want her to touch my precious eggs. Finally the nurse agreed to talk to Dr. D about my concern.
Then the anesthesiologist came, she still want to put me on the average does of anesthesia medicine. She said dizziness is normal. But I know it is not right based on my first two retrieval's experience. I feel so upset after arguing with her. I start feel uncomfortable, heart start racing. When I was put on the operation table, my heart rate is 200! They tried all they can, talking to me, put some relax medicine through iv. Nothing worked. And they definitely couldn't do the retrieval under this kind of dangerous situation.So they called 911 and the ambulance came. Both the doctor of IVF clinic and the staff in the ambulance said most likely I couldn't finish the retrieval today, my life is more important. S is scared to lose me, and I am scared to lose all my eggs. It's already 11:30, I only have 3 hours window, if I can't be back in the retrieval room by 2:30, the eggs would be already ovulated to the tubes, nothing would be left in the follicles to be retrieved.
This cycle couldn't ended like this, both you and me went through so much to get here! I was very upset but calm in the ambulance, try to explain my situation. They gave me one medicine through iv. My goodness, I felt I am dying for a few seconds, then I came back. They managed to bring down my heartbeat from 200 to 110! Then they held my EKG explaining what happened. The medicine they gave to me made my heart stopping beating for a few second, then beat again. But they still can't release me. Once we arrived ER, the guys in the ambulance and me tried all our best to repeat the story again. I begged them to speed up everything, I need go back to Retrieval room by 2 o'clock. Both doctor and the nurse there are very nice, after a few check up and lots of blood drawn, they released me even before all the test result came back. But I need signed a sheet saying I refused continued care and take full responsibility of the consequences.
We rushed backed to the IVF clinic still in the Gown and iv tube. I called the nurse in the car that we are heading back, so they can be ready once we step in. Here we are, 1:30 we arrived the clinic. And I went straight into the operation room. This time, Dr. D did a ultrasound first before putting me into sleep. They want make sure at least there are still some follicles haven't released yet. He saw follicles, no time to counting how many of them still there, he ordered to 'iv' anesthesia to me.
When I wake up, the doctor said 11 follicles retrieved! My goodness, it all worth it! And Dr. L didn't even entered the retrieval room, Dr. D did it all by himself. Also this time the anesthesiologist put me on the minimal dose without any arguing. I didn't have any energy left to argue with her anyway.
That's the whole story. During my recovery time, the ER of the hospital called, saying the blood result show I had low level of potassium, that probably is the reason for racing heartbeat. I just took my first pill of potassium supplement.
Tomorrow they will call to let us know how many embryos formed. I hope I'll get a good rest tonight.
Talk to you soon,
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