
So, somewhere along the way I decided that once wouldn't be enough. I loved helping to build a family and didn't want to stop at just one. My hubby is a little skeptical especially since I carried twins last time (it wasn't always the easiest pregnancy for me or him), but we have talked about it and have made the decision to go down this road again.

I have put my application in with an agency this time. I didn't use an agency the last time. I matched with the first couple who answered my ad and things couldn't have gone better. I just am not sure I would get that lucky the next time around so I decided to go the safe route. The woman at the agency said despite some of my complications with the twins I shouldn't have a hard time matching. Twin are a lot harder on your body and I still carried them to 37 weeks and was able to deliver vaginally. So anyway, they are sending out my profile to IPs! I am excited. I am hoping to put off the getting pregnant part mid summer so I can still do my vacation in August without a huge belly. The process tends to be a long one anyway so here is to hoping I find some wonderful IPs who aren't in to much of a hurry.

Here is the reason I have ventured on to this amazing journey! I was able to help bring these two little lights in to Y&S's life!

My kiddos with A & C

Me with A & C

In July we went on a road trip up north. Along the way we stopped to visit with my adorable surrobabies! They were about 9 months here. It was so good to visit with my former IPs and hang out with these sweet babies. My kids had a blast too!

Now the waiting begins... 


Tentative Calendar

About this blog

This blog is to be a journal for my hopeful journey into surrogacy. I will try to keep it up to date as I move forward.

About Me

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I am a mother to some awesome kids, 3 of my own and one step son, a wife to one awesomely geeky husband, a daughter to two wonderful parents, a big sister, a auntie to one super cute nephew and adorable twin nieces, and a friend to those in need or who just like to talk. I am who I am, I work to better myself everyday but for the most part I am a disorganized, passionate, loving, positive, crazy, stubborn, sometimes irrational & moody woman.


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