
It again has been a while since I have update but so far it has been smooth sailing and there hasn't been much to post. Babies are healthy and growing. Last doctors ultrasound the were both measuring well over 2 pounds and they were measuring with in a ounce of each other. Sometimes there is a problem with one twin being larger then the other and if the difference is to large it can mean there are issues.

I have developed gestation diabetes which has not been fun but it isn't as bad as it could be so I will deal and move on. So far I am checking my blood sugar 4 times a day and for the most part controlling it with diet.

Yesterday seemed to really mark my third trimester beginning. Depending on what you read it starts at 27 or 28 weeks. Mine seemed to start at 29 weeks. I say this because I love my second trimester and my third trimester always comes with a new set of complaints. In my second trimester I, for the most part feel wonderful except for the small aches and pains here and there. This weekend it really hit me, insomnia, needing to pee every 5 seconds, the real discomfort of the expanding belly, and the back, leg, and foot pain that comes from carrying a baby or in this case two. I am surprised and should feel very lucky that I haven't felt it until this point.

Currently it is 7am on Sunday and I didn't go to sleep till 2am. I don't have the kids so I could have slept in till 10. Babies had other plans. So I am up, getting ready to start on a list of projects I want to accomplish.


Tentative Calendar

About this blog

This blog is to be a journal for my hopeful journey into surrogacy. I will try to keep it up to date as I move forward.

About Me

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I am a mother to some awesome kids, 3 of my own and one step son, a wife to one awesomely geeky husband, a daughter to two wonderful parents, a big sister, a auntie to one super cute nephew and adorable twin nieces, and a friend to those in need or who just like to talk. I am who I am, I work to better myself everyday but for the most part I am a disorganized, passionate, loving, positive, crazy, stubborn, sometimes irrational & moody woman.


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